Working Papers
Cameron Ballard-Rosa, Layna Mosley and B. Peter Rosendorff. "Paris Club Sovereign Debt Restructuring and the Rise of China." PSFL Working Paper 24-1, July 2024.
Policy Briefs
Tetsekela Anyiam-Osigwe, “Choosing Creditors: The Politics of Government Borrowing in Malawi” PSFL Policy Brief 24-3, July 2024.
Christian Baehr, "How Do Governments Respond to Persistently High Commodity Prices?" PSFL Policy Brief 24-2, June 2024.
Fiona Bare, "What Do 2024's Elections Spell for Sovereign Debt Markets?" PSFL Policy Brief 24-1, April 2024.
Research in Progress
Cameron Ballard-Rosa, Hannah Loeffler, Layna Mosley and B. Peter Rosendorff. “Sovereign Credit Ratings, Transparency and Political Survival.” Presented at the November 2024 annual meeting of the International Political Economy Society.
Alexandra O. Zeitz and Layna Mosley. “The Pricing and Politics of Bilateral Official Credit.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Political Economy Society meeting, October 2023; and at the DebtCon7 meeting (Recording), May 2024. Revisions in Progress.
Sarah M. Brooks, Raphael Cunha and Layna Mosley. “Mass Attitudes about Financial Markets: the 2022 Brazil Election.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 2023, and the International Political Economy Society annual meeting, October 2023. Under Review.
Qi Liu and Layna Mosley. “Bond Market Responses to Chinese-Financed Infrastructure Projects.” Presented at the November 2024 meeting of the International Political Economy Society. Revisions in Progress.
Recent Publications
Layna Mosley and B. Peter Rosendorff. 2023 “Government Choices of Debt Instruments.” International Studies Quarterly 67(2).
Cameron Ballard-Rosa, Layna Mosley and Rachel Wellhausen. 2022. “Coming to Terms: The Politics of Sovereign Bond Denomination” International Organization 76(1): 32-69. Supplementary Materials; Replication Files. Layna Mosley discusses this paper, as well as some related research, on this episode of the Clauses and Controversies podcast.
Sarah M. Brooks, Raphael Cunha and Layna Mosley. 2022. “Sovereign Risk and Government Change: Elections, Ideology and Experience.” Comparative Political Studies 55(9): 1501-1538.
Cameron Ballard-Rosa, Layna Mosley and Rachel Wellhausen. 2021. “Contingent Advantage? Sovereign Borrowing, Democratic Institutions and Global Capital Cycles.” British Journal of Political Science 51(1): 353-373.